Tuesday, June 27, 2017

JustDating: A person's name and star sign are two important factors in successful dating

          Ball and May are the names found to be attractive in the dating game

          Men and women born under the signs of Virgo and an Aquarius like to indulge in a brief romantic fling when dating

          Want to increase chances of successful dating? The matchmaking app JustDating could prove very helpful to single men who are tired of spending evenings alone and single women who have had enough of all-women parties. According to the JustDating survey, May, Ploy and Mind for women, and Boy, Jay and Ball for men, are the names unattached members of the opposite sex find most attractive. And when it comes to the signs of the Zodiac, the survey found that choosing those born under the signs of Virgo and Aquarius lead to the highest likelihood of a successful date and usually will not let you down.

          A person's name and star sign are two important factors in successful dating

          The survey revealed that single men prefer dating women whose names are May, Ploy and Mind, while young women would rather choose young men with names such as Boy, Jay and Ball, as their companion, as these names imply beautiful women and handsome men. For example, actress May Pitchanart and her boyfriend Jay Chanathip were selected as having two of the most attractive names. If you want to have success with members of the opposite sex, you might want to choose one of these names as your own. As for the star sign, Aquarius men and women, who cherish their freedom and don't feel comfortable with any sense of feeling constricted, are the favorite dating partners. Virgo men are surprisingly popular as the dating choice among single women, mainly for their ready willingness to help others. If you would like to spend an exciting evening or indulge in a brief romantic fling, then choose a Virgo and an Aquarius as your date.

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